PhD Defense of Jean-Marc Robert
Title: Thwart the Simple Power Analysis attack efficiently in applications of the asymmetric cryptography, algorithms and implementations
Date: December 8th, 2015, 13h30
Place: University Perpignan
PhD Summary:
The development of online communications and the Internet have made
encrypted data exchange fast growing. This has been possible with the
development of asymmetric cryptographic protocols, which make use of
arithmetic computations such as modular exponentiation of large integer
or elliptic curve scalar multiplication. These computations are
performed by various platforms, including smart-cards as well as large
and powerful servers. The platforms are subjects to attacks taking
advantage of information leaked through side channels, such as
instantaneous power consumption or electromagnetic radiations.
In this thesis, we improve the performance of cryptographic
computations resistant to Simple Power Analysis. On modular
exponentiation, we propose to use multiple multiplications sharing a
common operand to achieve this goal. On elliptic curve scalar
multiplication, we suggest three different improvements : over binary
fields, we make use of improved combined operation AB,AC and AB+CD
applied to Double-and-add, Halve-and-add and Double/halve-and-add
approaches, and to the Montgomery ladder ; over binary field, we propose
a parallel Montgomery ladder ; we make an implementation of a parallel
approach based on the Right-to-left Double-and-add algorithm over binary
and prime fields, and extend this implementation to the Halve-and-add
and Double/halve-and-add over binary fields.