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Partners and Project Members


IRISA laboratory is a joint research unit from CNRS, University Rennes 1 (UR1), ENS Rennes and INRIA. PAVOIS project members work in the CAIRN research group from IRISA in Lannion on ENSSAT campus.


  • Karim Bigou, ATER IUT Lannion UR1 since Sep. 2015, previously: postdoc CNRS (Nov. 2014 - Aug. 2015),  PhD student at INRIA-DGA (Oct. 2011-Nov. 2014)
  • Emmanuel Casseau, Professor ENSSAT-UR1
  • Thomas Chabrier, Postdoc UR1 (Jul. 2013-Apr. 2014)
  • Pascal Cotret, ATER ENSSAT-UR1 (Sep. 2012-Aug. 2013)
  • Hélène Dubois, Associate Professor ENSSAT-UR1
  • Thomas Dupré, student IUT EII UR1 internship (Apr.-Jun. 2013)
  • Pierre Guilloux, Expert Engineer CNRS Nov. 2015+,  previously: student UR1 (Mar.-Aug. 2015 internship Master 2 Research, Jun.-Aug. 2014 internship ENSSAT EII, Jun.-Sep. 2013 internship IUT EII)
  • Audrey Lucas, student UR1 Master 2 Research, internship (Mar.-Jul. 2015)
  • Jérémy Métairie, PhD student at CNRS funded by PAVOIS ANR project (Oct. 2012 - Nov. 2015)
  • Arnaud Tisserand, Senior Researcher CNRS, project leader

Skills: computer arithmetic, applied cryptography, hardware system design in FPGA and ASIC, circuit CAD tools.


LIRMM laboratory is a joint research unit from CNRS and University Montpellier 2 (UM2). Most of PAVOIS project work in the DALI research group from the University Perpignan (UPVD) in Perpignan. Other members work in the ARITH-ECO / SysMIC research groups from LIRMM in Montpellier and in University Sud Toulon Var (USTV) in Toulon.


Skills: computer arithmetic, cryptography, side channel attacks

The Pavois project has been labelled by the competitivity cluster Images & Réseaux

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Par tisseranDernière modification 06/10/2016 14:16