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The main topics of the PAVOIS project are the study, validation and prototyping of various novel, efficient algorithms for curve based cryptography using non-standard number representations in order to provide zero- or low-overhead protections against both passive and active attacks. New algorithms and number representations are being studied for performing the arithmetic operations on both elliptic and hyperelliptic curves. In this context, we also try to mesure the impact of various parameters and protection schemes on both the performances and the robustness. We propose accurate measurement methods to evaluate the trade-off between performances (speed, silicon cost and energy) and security (robustness against passive and active attacks). Those results may be used to guide designers during the specification of cryptosystems and security applications. We are designing a complete and highly customizable ECC processor with its dedicated programming tools for FPGA circuits. The source code of the processor and the programming tools will be freely distributed. Currently, there is no comparable processor and tools available as open source. By distributing the processor and tools as open source code, we aim at promoting curve based crypto both at the academic and industrial levels.

ECC Processor

Project Identification:

  • for IRISA partner:    PAVOIS ANR 12 BS02 002 01
  • for LIRMM partner:  PAVOIS ANR 12 BS02 002 02

Par tisseranDernière modification 30/05/2015 14:49